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Laser Carbon Doll Facial

Revitalize your complexion with our Laser Carbon Doll Facial, blending cutting-edge technology with deep pore purification for a youthful glow.

Laser Carbon Doll Facial

The Laser Carbon Doll Facial, a revolutionary non-invasive treatment, offers a rejuvenation solution for all skin types, including the most sensitive. Known for its immediate, no-downtime results, this facial is ideal for achieving a youthful complexion reminiscent of a porcelain doll. Often referred to as The Charcoal Facial or The Black Faced Doll Facial, it stands at the forefront of addressing minor skin imperfections, promoting a smooth, radiant complexion. Through the Carbon Laser Peel Treatment, we target fine lines, wrinkles, and 'crow's feet' with a pain-free, non-invasive approach. The treatment is versatile, effectively lightening age spots, fading freckles, reducing wrinkles, and more, by utilizing carbon powder's deep pore-cleansing ability and the laser's precision to stimulate collagen and elastic fiber growth, enhancing skin elasticity and moisture for a bright, radiant complexion.

The procedure begins with applying carbon paste to the face, followed by high-intensity laser pulses that work to refine pores, reduce oil secretion, and stimulate collagen production, leading to diminished fine lines and a firmer skin texture. Aftercare includes the use of SPF30 sun protection cream, with a recommended course of 6 sessions for optimal results.

Relaxed client receiving advanced laser facial treatment with protective eyewear, highlighting the clinic's innovative skinca
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